To determine the wear resistance of materials and assess its wear resistance degree, like measuring its mass loss, thickness loss, and transmittance etc.
It’s applicable for flat products, like suitcases, carpet, cardboard, clothing, glass, plastic coatins, metal coating, paint, varnishes, decorative sheets, high pressure sheets, plastics, textiles, flexible floor mats, traffic paint, tile, anodizing layer, blankets, electronic components, decorative plates, wax, label, leather, dental materials, automobile interior decoration, resin, furniture, etc.
- Unique wear process. Place test sample on turntable and two abrasive wheel press on material to make material to wear.
- Specimen turntable speed control options of both 60 rpm and 72 rpm.
- Precision steel weights of 250 grams and 750 grams are furnished to provide standard wheel loads of 500 and 1000 grams. Weights are marked to show total load on each wheel. This marking includes the weight of the abrading arm (250 grams).
- Equip with vacuum cleaner to clear abrasive dusts
- Can test with different wear medium and accessories.
Control System
Control mode: LCD display